Thursday, June 26, 2008

On the easel tonight

Staying diligent with the blog: This is a painting for the upcoming "Square Foot" show in August. I've put 2 sessions into it, and after the first I almost abandoned it. It's a stage I (and most artists) go through where after about the first hour you want to burn the painting and take up accounting. But I just edged past that point in the second session and now I'm starting to enjoy it.

Biggest piece of advice I can give about any sort of art? Get back from your work! Your eye will make more sense of everything if you step way back and view it as a whole. I haven't been doing this enough but now I do it constantly and it makes all the difference in the world.

Oh and practice. That helps.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Chaos teaser...

On the easel tonight...

A piece I'm working on for a very special gallery show. Details to come soon...

Absolutely AWFUL photo quality but you get the idea.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Buy my art!

If anyone out there is interested in buying my original oil paintings from the "Ode to Edo" samurai show, you can find them here. You will also find paintings by many of my idols throughout the land of fine art. I encourage everyone to take a look!

On the easel tonight...

My half of a collaboration with my buddy Peter Chan for the Square Foot Show in August. I'm not quite done (lots more detail to paint) but I was enjoying it enough to share with you.

12"x 12" Oil on Wood


She'll have NONE OF THAT.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Ode to Edo a Success!

My first major group show was an incredible success! The art looked unbelievable, the space was overwhelming, and the people were plentiful. Photos to come soon!

In the meantime, here's a sneak preview of my submission for "Chaos 2".

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Zombies on a Ladder

Just a quick drawing for the "Square Foot" gallery show in August (I think?). It'll end up being an oil painting, but for now enjoy the ridiculous sketch.
I've been doing tons of art every day so there's more to come.

Monday, June 9, 2008

"Ode to Edo" sneak preview!

I can finally say I'm ALMOST finished... aside from a few finishing touches my submission to the "Ode to Edo" Samurai show is complete! When I was invited to take part is this gallery show I was deeply honoured and BEYOND intimidated. I decided I needed to pull out the big guns if I was going to live up to such a task. I can confidently say that I used just about every trick and technique at my disposal and really pushed the limits of my abilities.

Below is a horribly lit, grainy photo of the work I'm doing for the show. Along the floor are some of the drawings I did for the bargain wall; art jam-style drawings that will be for sale at a very low price (art can be affordable sometimes). =)

PS. It's wonderful that the glare in this photo fell right across the dragon's head.